Notes from the FAIR Island Project

Key Outcomes & Updates from Year 1

Summary of Highlights and Outcomes for Year 1 of the NSF Project "EAGER: The FAIR Island Project for Place-based Open Science" Major Goals of the Project Develop and adopt a place-based data policy for Tetiaroa Ecostation and create a generalized data policy for other...

Migrating our Data Policies to Github

Migrating our Data Policies to Github

The Tetiaroa Data Policy and the Generic Place-based Data Policy that evolved from it, were both originally drafted in Google Documents. It was an easy way for many people to edit directly, comment and view, but it masked the evolution of the Policy, which is one key...

Tetiaroa Society ROR

Tetiaroa Society ROR

We are very excited that the Tetiaroa Society application for a ROR was approved! ROR stands for Research Organization Registry and RORs are organizational identifiers. The Tetiaroa Society ROR is The Tetiaroa Society ROR was in the first...

Welcome to our Field Station Advisory Committee!

Welcome to our Field Station Advisory Committee!

The FAIR Island Team is excited to establish and welcome our first Field Station Advisory Committee. This Advisory Committee was established to optimize the insight and experience of leading field station and research site network personnel: those who are best...

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