by Erin R | Feb 24, 2022 | News
The FAIR Island Team is excited to establish and welcome our first Field Station Advisory Committee. This Advisory Committee was established to optimize the insight and experience of leading field station and research site network personnel: those who are best...
by Erin R | Jan 21, 2022 | News
At the beginning of 2022 we published our first annual report for the FAIR Island Project. Through a community-oriented, open approach, the FAIR Island Project advanced social and technological infrastructure for place-based open science. In the section below, the...
by Erin R | Oct 18, 2021 | DMP, Integration, News, Tetiaroa Ecostation
One key integration for field stations is the link between the UC Natural Reserve System (UCNRS) Registration and Application Management System (RAMS),and the DMPTool. The Tetiaroa Ecostation and the Gump Field Station both user RAMS to track applications –...
by Erin R | Mar 17, 2021 | News
Our first focus area of the FAIR Island Project centered on establishing a FAIR-compliant Data Policy. In our initial phase, our primary goal is to finalize a draft data policy necessary to create an environment where all data and knowledge collected on Tetiaroa is...
by Erin R | Dec 16, 2020 | News
The Research Data Alliance held the Virtual 16th Plenary November 9-12, 2020. The RDA Virtual 16th plenary was a success with 697 attendees, over 100 sessions and 40+ posters. It provided the needed forum for the global data community to come together, connect around...