One key integration for field stations is the link between the UC Natural Reserve System (UCNRS) Registration and Application Management System (RAMS),and the DMPTool. The Tetiaroa Ecostation and the Gump Field Station both user RAMS to track applications – project level requests to come to the field stations and reservations – visits linked to applications. The applications provides the initial project metadata needed for the creation of a DMP. This integration reduces the burden on the researcher to enter information twice.
The integration leverages the RAMS API. When a researcher creates a research application in RAMS for the Tetiaroa Ecostation, the RAMS API sends the project title, abstract and collaborators to start a DMP using the Tetiaroa Ecostation DMP Template. The creator of the RAMS application then receives an email from the DMPTool with a link to finish filling out the DMP. Right now research teams are not obligated to finish the DMP as a requirement for access to the field station. As the Tetiaroa Data Policy adoption moves forward, we will follow up with research teams to support them as they finalize and publish their DMPs. Once published, the DMP will receive a DOI that will allow us to link research outputs from the work at the field station.
Currently, the integration is only on for applications submitted for the Tetiaroa Ecostation. We would like to turn this on for applications submitted to the Gump Field Station as well. We would also like to include not just research applications but also for education applications because we realize now that educational activities at field stations may also have a data management component.