FAIR (& Fair) Toolkit

Field science is undergoing a transition towards both ethical fieldwork and moving toward FAIR research practices. Field stations are an essential part of the research lifecycle providing the documentation to prove ethical fieldwork and supporting FAIR research.

This is a set of resources for field stations that want to support both FAIR principles and ethical (or fair) fieldwork, including the CARE Principles.

We’ve created tools for you to make this transition for your own field station!

We know that field station staff are swamped. We also know that you care deeply about the places that your station stewards. These tools, tutorials, and checklists are meant to be a quick start guide to launch your station towards ensuring that you support ethical fieldwork AND that the work creates benefits back to the place.    

Start Here

Four Things for Field Stations to Consider

Connect to the Global Research Infrastructure with a ROR ID

A ROR ID is an organizational identifier allows for disambiguation between this FAIR Island field station and a FAIR Island station somewhere else. Beyond RORs, encourage researchers to use their ORCiD, funder IDs and award IDs and digital object identifiers (DOIs). 

Set Expectations for Researchers with a Place-based Data Policy

A place-based data policy sets the expectations for researchers coming to your field station about code of conduct and what is required. We have developed a generic place-based data policy that your station can take and modify.

Share Researcher Project Applications 

Most field stations have an application process. However, most field stations don’t share these. Publishing project applications with a DOI provides a crucial step to link work to the field station and downstream outputs like papers and datasets. 

Join Local Contexts as an Institution

Local Contexts acts as a connection point between scientific institutions and local Indigenous communities. Field stations can join Local Contexts as an institution. Becoming an institution allows for creating Local Context Notices related to the planned work. 

Field STation


RORs to Identify Field Stations

Identify your field station with a ROR. For most field stations the first step is to create a ROR, or Research Organization Registry ID. Learn more

Connect Projects with PIDs

Take advantage of persistent identifiers (PIDs):

  • ORCIDs for people
  • RORs for organizations like field stations, universities and funders
  • DOIs for digital objects like datasets, papers, software

    Learn more

    Data Policy to Set Expectation

    Set expectations with data policies for acknowledgement and sharing research back to the institution.  Learn more

    Create DOIs for Projects

    Publish projects with a digital object identifier (DOI).  DOIs can connect these projects and the field station to the Global Research Infrastructure. 

    Learn more

    Connect with Local Contexts

    Join Local Contexts as an institution. Local Contexts, supports connections between Indigenous, place-based communities and scientific institutions, like field stations.  Learn more

    Improve Discoverability for Outputs

    Streamline curating outputs related to the field station. Standard acknowledgments in research outputs improve searchability for field stations. 

    Learn more

    Share Open Projects

    Share approved project applications on your website. Learn more


    Utilize the glossary to define terms that might be new.  Learn more

    How to Cite

    Please cite Version 1 of the FAIR and fair Toolkit in the following manner:  FAIR Island Project. The FAIR and fair Toolkit for Field Stations, Version 1. FAIR Island, 2024. https://fairisland.org/toolbox/ 

    Contact Us

    The FAIR Island Team is happy to discuss these tools and the FAIR and fair approach to field station management. Please reach out. 


    Boulder, Oakland and Mo'orea