Preparing to apply to the field station: An Introduction
Module 1 | ~1 hour
Review the Station’s Data Policy.
Register for an ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) if you do not already have one, or verify and update your existing ORCID profile, if you do.
Create or review your data management plan and publish your DMP.
0 : Field Station Data Policy
In return for the support and access to [Place] (the physical island and data derived from it) provided by [Host Organization], participants in research projects agree to make their metadata and prepublication data available to each other through a “[Place] Data Trust” that facilitates data re-use according to mutually agreed terms and a code of conduct. The Trust is maintained by the [Host Organization] to support decision-making for wise and equitable stewardship of the [place]. It follows best-practice in research data stewardship. This policy does not impose legally-binding conditions nor replace or impinge on legal obligations and/or institutional policies that might apply.
1 : Your ORCID
Register for an ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) if you do not already have one, or verify and update your existing ORCID profile, if you do.
2 : Review (or Create) Your DMPs
Each project needs at least one Data Management Plan (DMP). Many funders require DMPs, so this is a good place to start. How has your DMP changed now that you have more clarity on fieldwork?
Erin Robinson
Erin is the Research Data Management Advisor for the FAIR Island Project. She has a background in Earth and environmental data management. She developed the material for this course.
Please cite this work as: FAIR Island Project. The Field Station Data Management Curriculum, Version 1. FAIR Island, 2024.
FAIR and fair Toolkit
The FAIR and fair Toolkit provides the essential steps for field stations to get started supporting researchers do more ethical fieldwork through data practices.
Resources on the Blog
The FAIR Island Project blog is a wealth of information documenting our experiences supporting field stations improve data management practices.