Research teams requesting access to field stations that are part of the FAIR Island Project are required to additional data management practices. Below are answers to frequent asked questions.

What is FAIR?

FAIR is an acronym for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. It refers to the ‘FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship’ were published in Scientific Data in 2016 by Wilkinson, et. al.

What is FAIR Island Project?

The FAIR Island project develops and tests optimal data policies and technical infrastructure necessary to create an environment where all data and knowledge collected on Tetiaroa is curated and made openly available as quickly as possible. We currently have a two-year, NSF-funded research project examining the impact of implementing optimal research data management policies and requirements at multiple field stations managed by the University of California Digital Library in partnership with UC Berkeley, Tetiaroa Society, Metadata Game Changers and DataCite. (Award abstract)

Why did I get a request to create a Data Management Plan (DMP)?

You received this request because you submitted an application to do research on Tetiaroa. Tetiaroa is participating in the FAIR Island Project. As part of the FAIR Island Project, the Tetiaroa Society is piloting a data policy that requires each project fill out a Data Management Plan (DMP). We automatically start the DMP based on the project RAMS application.

What is the Tetiaroa data policy?

The Tetiaroa data policy is the first data policy for a place. The Tetiaroa Society is currently working to develop and adopt the policy. It states: “In return for the support and access to Tetiaroa provided by Tetiaroa Society, participants in research projects agree to make their metadata and prepublication data available to each other through a “Tetiaroa Data Trust” (TDT) that facilitates data re-use according to mutually agreed terms and a code of conduct. The TDT is maintained by the Tetiaroa Society to support decision-making for wise and equitable stewardship of the atoll. The TDT follows FAIR+CARE data principles and is distributed across repositories that meet global standards (TRUST) in research data stewardship. This policy does not impose legally-binding conditions nor replace or impinge on legal obligations that might apply elsewhere. (Full Draft Policy).”

How does the policy relate to the data management plan (DMP)?

In the DMP, researchers are asked to provide details regarding how they will comply with the FAIR Island data policies related to the access of metadata and data collected as part of their research with the Tetiaroa Society.

What is the DMPTool?

The Tetiaroa Society has partnered with CDL to utilize the DMPTool and has developed a DMP template to connect research outputs to the planned work. The DMPTool provides a click-through wizard for creating a DMP that complies with institutional requirements. It also offers guidance for answering questions and resources for best practices surrounding data management. Learn more here.

Who can I reach out to if I have other questions or concerns?

If you have questions or concerns, please email the FAIR Island Team at

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