After more than a year of community consultation and feedback, the FAIR Island Project team published the first official release of the Generic Place-based Data Policy to Zenodo. The Generic Place-based data policy is a template derived from the draft Tetiaroa Ecostation Data Policy and meant to be an example for other field stations, marine labs and research stations that may want to use it.
Check it out and cite it:
Davies, Chodacki, Praetzellis, Nancarrow, & Robinson. (2022). Generic Place-based Data Policy V1.0.2 (1.0.2). Zenodo.
Github-Zenodo Publication Process
We have described our approach using Github for version control and to track changes and the addition of to allow comments and additional feedback to be added in an on-going way in earlier blogs. We tried to use the automated Github/Zenodo workflow, however this doesn’t allow for reserving a DOI. The final steps in this workflow were to:
1. Start the Zenodo submission and reserve a DOI
2. Add the DOI and updated citation to the Data Policy and push those changes to the Github repo for the policy.
3. Create a Github release – a frozen version of the repository that is zipped up.
4. Download the Github release zip file and upload it to Zenodo. We also added a PDF of the HTML version so that it was easy to access and read on Zenodo.
5. In the Zenodo metadata we linked to our project’s published DMP DOI to establish the links between the maDMP and outputs.
6. Publish to Zenodo.