We are very excited that the Tetiaroa Society application for a ROR was approved! ROR stands for Research Organization Registry and RORs are organizational identifiers. The Tetiaroa Society ROR is https://ror.org/04p8xrf95

The Tetiaroa Society ROR was in the first independent release for ROR, which is a major milestone that we are happy to be part of! For more details on what that means check out the ROR blog post.
Having a ROR is an important step for a field station because it gives us an identifier that we can use in the DMP to link other research outputs. The ROR is added to the DMPTool DMP metadata under contributorType=Sponsor like this:

We are looking forward to seeing how the PIDGraph for a field station evolves with this important connection and looking forward to RORs expanding to include other field stations as well.